#1. This knob-like head with hooks and suckers is called a


Image from: http://www.microscopyu.com/galleries/smz1500/images/tapewormscolexsmall.jpg

#2. Tell a kind of worm you would expect to see #1 in.

#3. What kind of coelom do all Flatworms have?

#4. Name the PHYLUM for ROUNDWORMS.

#5. Hookworms, pinworms, Ascaris, Trichinella, and filarial worms are __________ worms.

                  FLAT      ROUND       SEGMENTED


#6. ______________ are excretory organs in earthworms.


#7. Humans get SCHISTOSOMAISIS from ________________
        A. insect bites
        B. eating food/water contaminated with eggs   
        C. larvae burrowing through the skin
        D. eating undercooked meat containing cysts

#8. Which part acts as an earthworm�s brain?  

#9. The animal in which adult parasitic worms live and reproduce is called the _______________ host.

#10. Planaria and flukes have a ONE opening shared digestive/circulatory space called a ______________  for digesting food.

#11. An animal with both male and female reproductive organs is called a(n) ________________.

#12. The ridge inside an earthworm�s intestine that increases surface area is called a _____________________.

#13. Name the type of FLATWORM with no mouth, anus, or digestive organs.

#14. The larval form of the blood fluke Schistosoma lives in what animal? 

#15. Which form of nitrogen waste is excreted by earthworms?

#16. Earthworms have ______________ fertilization and ____________ development.
                                                     internal  or external                                                      direct or indirect  

#17. Excretory organs in FLATWORMS like Planaria are called ______________ 


#18. These hermaphroditic reproductive structures seen in tapeworms are called _________________.


Image from: http://www.biosci.ohio-state.edu/~parasite/labeled_taenia.html


 #19. Worms that are transmitted by insects are called _______________ worms.

 #20. A _______________ is a layer made of FUSED CELLS that protects tapeworms and flukes.

#21. Part in an earthworm where food is ground up and digestion happens.  

#22. Name a worm that can reproduce ASEXUALLY.

#23. Name the KINGDOM, PHYLUM, and CLASS for Earthworms.

#24. Which type of coelom is found in round worms? Image from: http://www.lander.edu/RSFOX/310images/310bilatImage.htm
      A                   B               C

#25. Name 3 characteristics shared by all worms.  

#26. Tell one way digestive waste is different from nitrogen waste.


#27. This flap of tissue that overhangs the earthworm's mouth is called the__________________________

#28. Tell something #27 can sense.

Image by Riedell/VanderWal � 2005


#29. Give the body system for cerebral ganglia.

#30. Give the function for SETAE.










1. Scolex
2. tapeworm
3. acoelom
4. Nematoda
5. Round
6. nephridia
7. C - larvae burrow into skin
8. cerebral ganglia
9. primary host
10. gastrovascular cavity

11. hermaphrodite
12. typhlosole
13. tapeworm
14. snail
15. urea
16. external fertilization & direct development
17. flame cells
18. proglottids
19. filarial
20. tegument
21. gizzard
22. Planaria
23. Animalia, Annelida, Oligochaeta
24. Round worms have a pseudocoelom (A)
25. Invertebrates, protostomes, elongated bodies, cephalization, bilateral symmmetry, cerebral ganglia for brain, breathe through skin


Comes from leftover undigested food made by body cells during metabolism of proteins
Handled by digestive system Handled by excretory system
feces ammonia, urea, uric acid

27. prostomium
28. light/dark   or chemicals (food)
29. nervous
30. provide traction